Masao Ishikawa and Soichi Okada,
"Equalities and representation theory related to determinants and Pfaffians, and their applications to combinatorics."
Sugaku62 (2010), 85-114.
Masao Ishikawa, Anisse Kasraoui and Jiang Zeng,
"EulerMahonian statistics on ordered partitions and Steingrimsson's conjecture - a survey"
(Combinatorial representation theory and related topics, Res. Inst. Math. Sci.),
RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, B8 (2008), 99-113.
Masao Ishikawa,
"Pfaffians, Determinants, Young diagrams and hook formulas",
Proceedings of the 39th Joint Symposium og Real Function Theory and Functional Analysis,
(2000) 63 - 80, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan.
Masao Ishikawa and Hiroyuki Tagawa,
"A Combinatorial Proof of Hook Length Property of the d-Complete Posets",
Proceedings of the 16th Algebraic Combinatorics Symposium,
(1999) 123 - 133, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Masao Ishikawa,
"Number of the self-complementary plane partitions",
(Combinatorial Theory and Related Topics - Mutual Relation among Commutative Algebra,Algebraic Geometry,Representation Theory of Lie Algebras and Partially Ordered Sets),
RIMS Kokyuroku670, (1988) 197 - 232,
(in Japanese).
Masao Ishikawa and Jiang Zeng,
Selberg integrals and evaluations of Pfaffians,
The 73rd Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire,
September 8-10, 2014, Bundesinstitut fur Erwachsenenbildung, Strobl (Austria).
"Minor summation formula of Pfaffians and Mills-Robbins-Rumsey conjectures on totally symmetric self-complementary plane partitions",
Department of Mathematics, Ryukyu University
February 16, 2006